Nádia Tadeu Miranda
Doutorada em Engenharia Informática, Nádia Tadeu Miranda é casada e mãe de um filho e de uma filha. É amiga, motivadora, apaixonada, dinâmica no nível profissional, na sua vida familiar e no desporto. Tem três gatos.
Cuidadora de todos à sua volta, adora praticar corrida (running), natação, ginástica, ski, ioga e todos os desportos que apresentem desafios. Viajar e conhecer outras culturas estão sempre presentes no seu espírito e no seu dia a dia, são fontes motivadoras de crescimento interior. A Ásia é o destino preferido.
É conhecida por não deixar para amanhã o que pode fazer hoje e por gerir o seu tempo como ninguém, pois tem tempo para tudo. Mulher de fazer acontecer!
Formou-se na área de Sistemas de Informação no Instituto Superior de Gestão, e desde então nunca mais deixou de estudar e aprender. É diretora informática com vasta experiência na liderança de equipas multidisciplinares e multiculturais, nas áreas de sistemas de informação, marketing digital, inovação e transformação digital.
Mestre em Planeamento e Estratégia Empresarial, tem pós-graduação de executivos em Gestão de Marketing Digital e é doutorada em Engenharia Informática, na Universidade Pontifícia de Salamanca.
É mentora no Programa Portuguese Women in Tech. Fez parte do grupo de investigação da Universidade Pontifícia de Salamanca; é certificada em Inovação, em Gestão de Projetos Agile, entre outras mais certificações.
É autora dos livros “Women in Tech e não só!”, “Kids Tech” e da Trilogia Elas.
Nadia holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, she is a mother to a son and a daughter, and is also married. She has three cats, is a friend, a motivator, is passionate, is dynamic in her professional life, family life, and sports. She is a caregiver to those around her. Is passionate about sports (running, gymnastics, skiing, yoga) and all challenging. Known for not procrastinating and managing her time like no other, asshe finds time for everything. A woman who makes things happen!
She loves to travel, and Asia is her passion because it takes her out of her comfort zone and helps her to grow. She graduated in information systems from the Higher Institute of Management, and since then, she has never stopped studying and learning.
An IT director with extensive experience in managing Projects and Programs, her curriculum includes managing large-scale International Critical Programs in the insurance, financial, banking, legal, retail, transportation, telecommunications, and energy sectors, as well as dozens of national and international projects. With over 20 years of experience in leading and coordinating teams for the Development of IT Projects (software development and project implementations; implementation and development of processes; monitoring and project risk management for national and international projects) in the infrastructure and service delivery areas.
She has expertise in information systems and skills in Digital Marketing, particularly in decision-making and the development of processes and project monitoring for National and International projects. She also has knowledge of coordinating administration and operational aspects and the evolution of technological infrastructure to support business activities.
She holds a master’s degree in business planning and Strategy, executive postgraduate in Digital Marketing Management, and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the Pontifical
University of Salamanca. She mentors the Portuguese Women in Tech program in Portugal,
Extraordinary Women in Tech, and was part of the research group at the Pontifical University of Salamanca. Certified in Innovation, Agile Project Management, and other certifications; she is also a thesis supervisor for master’s degrees.
Currently, Nadia is IT Director in the retail sector and a writer. She wrote the Books “Kids Tech” and the trilogy “They”.